Saab 340 [026]

Registration: SP-KPK
Operator: SprintAir
HEX Code: 48A5E9
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E26SAAB340A 1985
HB-AHFCrossair340A 1985
D-CDIEDelta Air 340A 1989own SoL
D-CDIEDeutsche BA340A 1992canc 4.97
HB-AHFCrossair340A 1997opb Crossair sticker CDG 18.02.97 old Delta col/Ham id 27.04.97 with HB-reg
VH-ZLYHazelton Airlines340A 1997arr Cundal 1.12, rgd 4.12
VH-ZLYREX - Regional Express340A 2002Australiawide AL r16.09.02, s str Wagga Wagga 12.12.02 still old Hazelton col, str Townsville by 03.04
VH-ZLYMacair Airlines340A 2004ret to Hawker Pac 12.04, r04.02.05, Commonwealth Bank to Australiawide/Rex 03.05 (to ret in svc??), rgd 19.04.05
VH-ZLYREX - Regional Express340A 2005r19.04.05, sis SYD 24.03.07, wfu 30.08.08 pkd Wagga Wagga, presum ret in svc, wfu 13.01.09 Wagga Wagga, depa 24.04.09 via Port Hedland to Poland, canc 21.05.09
SP-KPKSprintAir340A 2009s30.07.09 HEL white, s28.06.10 WAW full red col
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HB-AHF CrossairEGVAAyronautica