Saab 340 [035]

Registration: N35SZ
Operator: US Airways Express
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E35SAAB340A 1985
SE-ISTSwedair 340A 1985wfu ARN 26.03.94 TT16762,22576 L
SE-ISTSkyways Express AB340A 1994sStock Arl fc/tit,Fairbrook 1.95,Bergen-Reyk-Frobisher 1.03.95,canc 3.03.95
N35CQ USAir Express340A 1995Opb Chautauqua Airlines - own LaL 3.95,DTCM r7.96, LaL 17.07.01
N35CQ US Airways Express340A 1997Opb Chautauqua Airlines - Rebrand
N35SZUnited Express340A 2002Opb Shuttle America - own LaL, rr 5.03.02, s17.05.04 US AW 97/05 col, s11.06.05 full new UnEx col
N35SZUS Airways Express340A 2006sNashville 14.12.05 full nw UnEx col, own laL, Saab ret due 03.08, Lambert Leasing frd to Bangor 03.08 for overhaul, ret Lambert Leasing 24.07.08, sBangor 18.09.08, s04.10.09 old US AW col (?!), to C & L for parts, repo wfu Bangor by 01.10, ferry to Montreal ntu, canc 28.05.10 pwfu, s04.12 minus all parts, old US AW Expr cs, s10.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SE-IST Swedair ESSAWarthog1