Saab 340 [037]

Registration: ES-LSC
Operator: Airest
HEX Code: 5110AA
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E37SAAB340A 1985
LN-NVDSwedair340A 1985
LN-NVDNorving A/S340A 1986
LN-NVDCrossair340A 1988
PH-KJLNetherlines340A 1989
SE-KPDNorthwest Airlink340A 1990Opb Express Airlines I - own NFAB 26.07.90
SE-KPDSkyways Express AB340A 1992wfu to Nashville for overhaul/
SE-KPDRiAir340A 1993Skyways lsd 8.93/s RIAir 8.12.93 fc
SE-KPDSkyways Express AB340A 1994Skyways to Siemens FS, canc 07.11.05
LY-NSCNordic Solutions Air Service340A(F)2005Skyways r14.10.05, to be F-cvtd by Saab from 10.05 and ops in Lithuania, sLink 28.12.05 fc cvtd, sis EDI 21.11.08 white, titles, ACS logo, mail flights, opb Avion Express, slsd Loganair, frd to Inverness 03.03.09 for Royal Mail contract, last svc 23.10.10
LY-NSCAvion Express340A(F)2010type wfu by 05.13
ES-LSCAirest340A(F)2013fis 03.05.13, sHEL 06.06.13 white, small fus. titles/logos
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ES-LSC AirestOTT/OFFairman45GB
ES-LSC AirestOTT/OFFgrahamepage
LN-NVD Norving A/SENHDWarthog1