Saab 340 [038]

Registration: SP-KPL
Operator: AirGotland
HEX Code: 48A5EB
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E38SAAB340A 1985
HB-AHGCrossair340A 1985
D-CDIFDelta Air 340A 1990own SoL
D-CDIFDeutsche BA340A 1992canc 4.97
HB-AHGCrossair340A 1997Deutsche col,Cross tit opf,id FRA 8.96/rebery to HB,s17.04.97,still Delta col,opb Crossair tit
VH-ZLZHazelton Airlines340A 1997sis 11.11.97 tit/not fc
VH-ZLZREX - Regional Express340A 2002Australiawide AL r16.09.02, canc 13.11.02
ZK-NLMAir Nelson340A 2002Opf Air New Zealand Link - arr Nelson 2.11, r14.11.02, wfu 06.06.06, tt 43286:56, 46504 l Nelson, ret Commonwealth Bank of Austr
VH-ZRXREX - Regional Express340A 2006frd Nelson-SYD 17.07.06, r09.08.06, wfu 12.01.09 Wagga Wagga, frd Wagga Wagga--MCT 15-20.04.09 white, frd by International Ferry Svcs
SP-KPLSprintAir340A 2009sPoznan 15.07.09 fc, repo 01.15 to be based in Paris and opf Vizion Air (Antwerp) for summer 2015 for corporate/sporting charters, wlsd to AirGotland del 12.08.20
SP-KPLAirGotland340A 2020
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SP-KPL AirGotlandOTT/OFFRJflyer
SP-KPL AirGotlandEGPKFlyDroo
SP-KPL SprintAirOTT/OFFgrahamepage
D-CDIF Deutsche BAEDDFAyronautica