Saab 340 [055]

Registration: ES-LSA
Operator: Airest
HEX Code: 51109D
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E55SAAB340A 1986
LN-NVENorving A/S340A 1986
PH-KJHNetherlines 340A 1987rr 20.07.87, own Sal 28.02.89 SAAB ret 5.90
SE-KPESkyways Express AB340A 1990
SE-KPENorthwest Airlink340A 1990Opb Express Airlines I - own NFAB 26.07.90
SE-KPESkyways Express AB340A 1992
SE-KPELagunair340A 2003short term
SE-KPESkyways Express AB340A 2004sBorlange fc, Skyways r21.11.05 ex lse, to SFS rgd/canc 15.12.05
LY-NSANordic Solutions Air Service340A(F)2005to be F-cvtd by Saab Aircraft from 11.05, sLink 28.12.05 fc F-cvtd, sRiga 03.09.08 white, opb Avion Express sHasslo 12.10.08, last fl 30.01.12, for imm. sale 01.12 via, reg canc 09.12
ES-LSAAirest340A(F)2012sis OSL white, small logo, first service after receiving AOC, sis 12.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ES-LSA AirestEGBBEmirates101
ES-LSA AirestOTT/OFFgrahamepage
PH-KJH Netherlines EGGDAyronautica
LN-NVE Norving A/SENZVWarthog1