Saab 340 [072]

Registration: N325SV
Operator: Bimini Island Air
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E72SAAB340A 1986
N72LP LAPA Argentina340A 1986N341CL Chicago Air NTU/depa Buenos 9.11,via MIA arr Nashville 11.11.96 ret less/FNB to LaL 3.06.97,canc 3.6,depa 20.6/canc FNB 6.97
LV-PMOKaiken Lineas Aereas340A 1997arr Rio Gr 26.06.97
LV-WXEKaiken Lineas Aereas340A 1997is 10.07.97, repo SAAB 10.99, repo SAAB 11.02.00, str Buenos Aires
N72LP Lambert Leasing340A 2001res by 12.00, but not yet painted on AC, str Argentina, arr Harrisburg 2.07.01 for conv to 27 seat corporate shuttle demonstrator
N4340PLambert Leasing340A 2002s3.06.02 Winston Salem, display NBAA Orlando ORL 9.02 by Piedmont Hawthorne Avtn with exec interior
N72VNCorporate340A 2003interim, rr 14.02.03, till cn 102 is ready, ann 05.03 to stay with Vee Neal, ret LaL 02.06 str Bangor,repo for Bimini Island Air, presum ntu, see 033, frd Nashville-Ft Lauderdale FXE 14.04.06, s20.04.06 nc SunVest titles, to be based at Las Vegas! frd to LAS 02.05.06, LaL to SAAB-72-A LLC 14.04.06
N325SVBimini Island Air340A 2006own SAAB-72-A-LLC rr 21.07.06, frd VNY-PHX 24.08.06, opf Murray Air for Daimler-Chrysler from Detroit from 03.07, SAAB-72-A to JODA LLC 11.01.11, r12.01.11, s str Ft Lauderdale FXE 11.10.12 NE corner, complete, s26.01.13 SW corner, now minus props, s08.13, 61 November Echo LLC bt 01.11.13, reg canc 13.05.15 pwfu
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