Saab 340 [076]

Registration: N651BC
Operator: IBC Airways
HEX Code: A8908D
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E76SAAB340A 1986
N329PXNorthwest Airlink340A 1986Opb Express Airlines I - Chicago Air NTU/ret less,Nashville 18.06.97
N76XJNorthwest Airlink340A 1998Opb Mesaba Airlines - own Saab (repo ret Saab 4.98 not conf), FNB rr 6.07.98, opb Mesaba, SSB&TC r19.03.99, ret lessor BoA 16.10.03 pkd Bangor, US Bank r21.04.04, s13.05.05 NWE col, Air Class (CX) due 2005, app ntu, still str s01.06, to Worldwide Aircraft Svcs 10.10.06, frd Bangor--Springfield SGF 10.10.06 for F-conversion
N651BCIBC Airways340A(F)2007frd Springfield-Nashville 11.04.07 after F-conv, sMIA 26.05.07 fc, rr 23.06.07, JAHN651BC LLC bt 17.11.11, lsd back to IBC
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All Users Sightings

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N651BC IBC AirwaysKMIAWarthog1