Saab 340 [081]

Registration: YL-RAH
Operator: RAF-Avia
HEX Code: 502C46
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E81SAAB340A 1986
F-GELGEurope Air340A 1987
F-GELGBrit Air340A 1988Opf Air France - own Bomb 19.12.96
N374DCde Havilland Leasing340A 1997frd to Toronto,ex Basle 29.06.97/FSB-DHC 31.10.97/frd Odens-Link 1.05.98 str
OH-SACAir Botnia340A 1998sLink 28.06.98 fc, s23.05.99 nc, s str Linköping 15.11.01 fc, still ar 01.03, canc 05.09.03
EC-IRDLagunair340A 2003not EC-INU, see cn 117, sNorrköping 24.07.03, to Southend 03.08.03 for repaint, depa 04.09.03 now Lagun Air col, Aeropuerto de Leon logo/titl, rr 20.09.03 Leon, AL ceased 31.01.05, str BCN, resumed ops s30.05.05 MAD, ret lessor by 08.06
YL-RAHRAF-Avia340A(F)2006to be F-cvtd, F-cvtd s12.05.07 fc, add SAAB CARGO titles
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OH-SAC Air BotniaEGMCAyronautica
F-GELG Brit AirEGKKWarthog1