Saab 340 [094]

Registration: C-GPCG
Operator: Pacific Coastal Airlines
HEX Code: C06C7F
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E94SAAB340A 1987
LV-AXVTransportes Aereos Neuquen340A 1987own SAAB , ret SAAB, depa Argentina 6.07.00 arr NASHVILLE TN 9.07.00 str, s12.08.00
N94BNLambert Leasing340A 2003reg res. by 12.00, not yet painted on AC, str Nashville s12.00, s14.04.03 as LV-AXV
N107EAEmpire Airlines340A 2003rr 11.08.04, charter role, frd to Long Island 13.09.04, ret LaL, frd to Bangor 08.11.05 str, s01.06, canc 17.02.06
C-GPCGPacific Coastal Airlines340A 2006sis YVR 07.06.06 blue stripes, dam 27.07.10 Masset 0(31) left propellor struck a deer on take off, aborted with engine damage
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