Saab 340 [103]

Registration: N103VN
Operator: Lambert Leasing
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F03SAAB340A 1987
N366MAAmerican Eagle340A 1987Opb Metroflight - own BALG
N103AEAmerican Eagle340A 1993Opb Simmons Airlines - rr6.08.93 (NOT .AE) but seen as AE 394
N103XJNorthwest Airlink340A 1996Opb Mesaba Airlines - rrBAL&C 8.96, BoAL&C r4.10.99, Lambert Leasing 19.12.01 ex lse, still opb Mesaba,
N103VNLambert Leasing340A 2003Vee Neal due 02.03 as corporate shuttle, ntu corrosion discovered while on overh. Bangor, replaced by 102 (with 072 as interim), s31.07.03 str unpainted, cn on nosewheel door, due to be scrapped ann 10.03, s10.04.04 being brup, s11.05.05 no reg, fuselage on pallets, canc 23.02.06
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