Saab 340 [105]

Registration: N744BA
Operator: Air Sunshine
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F05SAAB340A 1987
N744BABrockway Air340A 1987
N744BAMetro Air Northeast340A 1989
N744BABusiness Express340A 1991rBIAL 5.96, BI/FF r6.08.98, FSB 17.08.98
N744BALessor340A 2000str Oklahoma City s8.12.00 BEX col, sLansing 20.09.02 at Genesis Avtn hangar
N744BAWhite Industries340A 2004for sale on White Industries website s09.05 for $ 600.000, Tropical Transport Svcs own 31.03.06, s FLL 08.05.06 basic BEX col pkd near YS-11s, on inventory list of White Industries, Bates City MO 31.05.06, Tropical based San Juan PR, rgd 02.10.06, still FLL s04.02.07 now with props, still BEX basic col
N744BAAir Sunshine340A 2007sFLL full nc, s07.12.07 basic BEX col, s18.02.08, sFLL 07.08 now new Air Sunshine col, s09.08.08 crew training flightsl, sis 21.02.11, s FXE 16.02.13 str, intact, no titles, s31.08.13 in SW corner, s29.08.15 dirty but intact
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N744BA Air SunshineKFXEWarthog1
N744BA Business ExpressKBOSGreggy