Saab 340 [108]

Registration: N681BC
Operator: IBC Airways
HEX Code: A9070A
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F08SAAB340A 1987
N345BEDelta Connection340A 1987Opb Business Express - ret SAAB by 6.00
N108CQUS Airways Express340A 2000Opb Chauitauqua Airlines - rr 15.03.00
N108CQShuttle America340A 2002own FaiL, lsd via Chaut, due ret 11.04 (not to Colgan, error)
OK-CCECentral Connect Airlines340A(F)2006frd Bangor-Stansted 15-18.12.05, Avia Special bt 28.12.05, to Ostrava 02.02.06 N-rgd, canc 06.02.06, presum rgd early 07 after long overhaul, sCDG 14.04.07 basic US AW old col, Central Connect titl/logo freight flight, sOstrava 27.02.10 parked, possibly to be cannibalized
N844KHAloha Air Cargo340A(F)2011Aeko Kula 10.08.11, r10.08.11, frd Ostr--STL 11-12.08.11 still full CCA cs, sis 07.12.14 HNL 'Hoko Ao', presum wfs by 09.16, frd Wilmington-FLL 21.07.17 after str, BoU r03.08.17
N681BCIBC Airways340A(F)2017N641BC rr res 11.17 but see cn 069, already in use, N844KH sis MIA 01.19 (fr24)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N345BE Delta ConnectionKBOSAyronautica
N345BE Delta ConnectionKBOSAyronautica