Saab 340 [118]

Registration: SP-KPN
Operator: SprintAir
HEX Code: 48A5ED
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N373MAAmerican Eagle340A 1988Opb Metroflight - via SAAB AC Hold
SE-F18SAAB340A 1988
N118AEAmerican Eagle340A 1994Opb Simmons Airlines - rr 1.94 (own WTC)
N118XJNorthwest Airlink340A 1996repo to Northwest-Mesaba 1.04.96 as N118XJ, rr 6.96 WTC?! but Chautauqua 96 in JP00, as N118CQ American Conn/Chautauqua in JP2002
N118CQAmerican Connection340A 1996Opb Chautauqua Airlines
N118SDUS Airways Express340A 2002Opb Shuttle America - WTC rrgd 10.06.02, i.s. by then (since?), US AW Expr col, sIAD 17.03.05 full United Expr col, ret Fairbrook by 11.05
N118SDUnited Express340A 2005Opb Shuttle America - ret lessor 31.08.06, frd Bangor--Örebro 28-29.12.06, N-reg canc 05.01.07 to SE-
SP-KPNSky Express340A 2007SE-rgd 06.09.07 Täby Airmaint., canc 18.10.07, sMalmo 01.01.08 blue/white col
SP-KPNSprintAir340A 2008sWAW 03.08.08 still full UnEx col, s18.03.09 white, s23.05.09 orange fc
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