Saab 340 [123]

Registration: LV-BMD
Operator: Sol Lineas Aereas
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F23SAAB340A 1988
N375MAAmerican Eagle340A 1988Opb Metroflight
N123MQAmerican Eagle340A 1994Opb Simmons Airlines - rr2.94, own Wilm,wfu 11.12.95,to Saab 31.12.95 TT 16894,18428 L
N123QCUSAir Express340A 1996Opb Chautauqua Airlines - rr6.96 WT
N123QCUS Airways Express340A 1997Opb Chautauqua Airlines - ret Saab by 3.02
N123XSShuttle America340A 2002own Saab, LaL rr 16.05.02, ret Fairbrook Leasing by 11.05, arr Bangor 15.12.05, Colgan Air 12.05 ntu, WTC to Worldwide AcS 29.11.06, frd Bangor-Springfield SGF 14.12.06
LV-BMDSol Lineas Aereas340A 2007frd SGF--Rosario 28.09-01.10.07, N-reg canc 17.10.07, dam beyond repair 02.01.13 Mendoza 0(X) nose wheel fractured on taxi out, left off taxiway onto soft ground, left propellor blades, nose gear strut bended but lightly damaged, 2 pax taken to hospital, WO, donated to technical school in Mendoza minus useful parts
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