Saab 340 [140]

Registration: TG-TAQ
Operator: TAG - Transportes Aereos Guatemaltecos
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F40SAAB340A 1989
N140N Delta Connection340A 1989Opb Comair - rNBNA 3.95,MNC r12.95/sCincinnati 29.10.96/ret less,Nashville 27.06.97
N140CQUS Airways Express340A 1998Opb Chautauqua Airlines - s20.12.97 Ind full nw US AW col, not ent svc, ret Nashville 26.01.98/rr 3.98 (ever opb Chaut?), N140XJ Mesaba ntu 3.98, sNashville 29.01.99 Canadian Regional fc, Chautauqua lsd 1.04.99, sIndianapolis basic Can Reg, own MNC, BoAL&C nn 2.00
N140CQShuttle America340A 2002ret BoAL&C LLC, frd to Bangor 29.03.05 Shuttle Am col
N140CQBearskin Aviation Service340A 2006BoAL&C to Bearskin 19.06.06, C&L Aerospace (Australia) 19.06.06 (or 10.07.06), in trust with WFBN
N140CQAmerican Connection340A 2006Opb RegionsAir - WFBN, AL ceased ops, reposs by WFBN ar 03.07, Chalk's Int AL due lse 07 ntu
N140CQCorporate340A 2007WFBN, N-reg canc 30.11.07 to C-, Four Star ntu?
C-GCPUPacific Coastal Airlines340A 2007r31.12.07, for sale and unconfirmed repo for Link/Blue AL (Argentina) 2010, presum ntu, frd YVR--Bangor 25.10.10, ret YVR 03.03.11, still in svc? reg canc 09.03.15
TG-TAQTAG - Transportes Aereos Guatemaltecos340A 2015
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