Saab 340 [142]

Registration: TG-BJO
Operator: TAG - Transportes Aereos Guatemaltecos
HEX Code: A0AC34
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F42SAAB340A 1989
N341PXNorthwest Airlink340A 1989Opb Express Airlines I
N142XJNorthwest Airlink340A 1998Opb Mesaba Airlines - BAL&CC rr 2.98, BoAL&C r4.10.99, dam 9.05.00 Detroit Metr when roof collapsed during tornado, repaired by SAAB using tail of unfinished AC 460, ret is 8.00, arr Bangor 31.01.03, s str 10.04.04 basic NW col, ret lessor, BoAL&C LLC to KMR AS 27.04.05, canc 09.05.05
TG-BJOTAG - Transportes Aereos Guatemaltecos340A 2005ann 03.05, frd Bangor--Ft Lauderdale FXE 28.04.05, still basic NW col, frd to GUA 04.05.05, in svc 20.05.05
TG-BJOCM Airlines340A 2013Honduran airline, launched domestic sched. svcs due 11.11.13, dam 16.09.16 opb TAG, right engine failed during takeoff at Tegucigalpa, veered off runway into grass, minor damage
TG-BJOTAG - Transportes Aereos Guatemaltecos340A 2017sis GUA 07.17
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