Saab 340 [158]

Registration: N158SD
Operator: Lynx Air International
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F58SAAB340A 1989
N158CADelta Connection340A 1989Opb Comair - rNBNA 3.95,NNC r12.95/s pkd Cinicnnati 27.09.96 no tit,id 23.04.97/arr Nashville 27.06.97 ret
N334BEDelta Connection340A 1998Opb Business Express - slsd,own FaL, rr 30.07.98 own MNC
N158CQTrans World Express340A 2000Opb Chautauqua Airlines - own MNC, nn BoAL&C 2.00, rr 23.03.00, ret BoAL&C by 1.02
N158SDUS Airways Express340A 2002Opb Shuttle America - lsd via Saab, rr 7.02.02, ret BoAL&C LLC frd to Bangor 30.03.05 for str US AW Expr col
N158SDBearskin Aviation Service340A 2005r22.09.05, maybe ntu, s white FLL 17.02.06, s18.06.06
N158SDLynx Air International340A 2006still pkd FLL 19.02.07 white, AALC r06.03.07, s pkd 30.10.07 white, s15.09.10 now no engines, s22.01.11, sold and wfu for parts by Bimini Island Air and brup FLL by 04.11, canc 11.13 pwfu
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N158CQ Trans World ExpressCYYZGreggy