Saab 340 [163]

Registration: UR-ALC
Operator: AeroJet Airlines
HEX Code: 508253
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F63SAAB340B 1989
HB-AHZCrossair340B 1990
OO-RXLAir Exel Belgium340B 1991str 14.12.91
OK-UGUTatra Air 340B 1992rr6.11.92
OM-UGUTatra Air340B 1994
SE-KCXSAAB340B 1999reg SE-KCG res 23.03.98, still with Tatra?ntu? Repo and frd to Linköping 30.03.99 as OM-UGU, reg res 5.99, Swedish AcH r29.05.00, SE-reg canc 2.06.00
5Y-FLAKenya Flamingo Airways340B 2000sNairobi 7.09.00 Kenya AW col, sis 23.03.06 Kenya logo on tail white, in svc Lamu Island Manda, Kenya, s pkd Nairobi by 09.08 repo for sale, sold to Alandia Air, Sweden, frd 05.09 to Job Air, Ostrava, for maintenance
4L-EUIGeorgian International Airlines340B 20105 yr lease first repo 01.11.09 to Euroline Georgia, presum ntu, sOSR 25.02.10 white no titl, red engines, del 23.04.10 OSR-TBS
UR-IMFSouth Airlines340B 2011frd OSR-ODS 17.09.11 still Georgian cs, available for operating lease 11.12 via
UR-ALCAeroJet Airlines340B 2013aka Jet Express, frd IEV--Bangor 12-13.03.13 for overhaul, frd BGR--ODS-CAI 16-19.05.13
UR-ALCInt'Air Iles340B 2013
UR-ALCAeroJet Airlines340B 2014frd Cairo--Keflavik 23-25.03.14, sIST 10.14 still Inter Iles Air fcs (photocap, tbc) marketed by CB Aviation as available for ACMI lease by 07.05.15, due wsld to AWEX Croatia to operate sched svcs from Zadar 04.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
UR-ALC AeroJet AirlinesEGPKFlyDroo