Saab 340 [192]

Registration: G-RVGB
Operator: RVL Aviation
HEX Code: 400722
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-F92SAAB340B 1990
N591MAAmerican Eagle340B 1990Opb Metroflight
N591MAAmerican Eagle340B 1992Opb Simmons Airlines - wfu 31.07.96 TT 14305,13583 L
G-GNTJBritish Midland Commuter340B 1997Opb Business Air - frd Rey-EMA 12.01.97/certif problems,rever to N591MA,frd EMA-Glasgow 25.02.97,G-rgd 26.02.97)/is 6.3 full BMA col, repainted all white Southend 8-17.06.01, still in service, tfd 15.09.01 when Aberdeen-Kirkwall svc was tfd to Loganair, last BMA S340
G-GNTJLoganair340B 2001frdf Aberdeen-Keflavik 15.11.01 for USA, G-reg canc 21.11.01
N192JELessor340B 2001sBangor 8.12.01 white, G-reg still worn
G-LGNFBritish Airways340B 2002Opb Loganair - frd Iqaluit--Glasgow 4.08.02 BA fc, G-reg underneath, sGLA 17.12.06 add "Air Discount Scheme..." titles
G-LGNFFlyBe340B 2008Opb Loganair
G-LGNFLoganair340B 2017Own cs. WFU 05.08.2020 and stored GLA. Stored EMA 21.10.2020. Stored GLA 29.10.2020. Stored ORB.
G-RVGBRVL Aviation340B(F)2021Conv to freighter 03.2021. Stored OST 09.05.2022 for sale to Ameriflight. Ferried via PIK 29.06.2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-LGNF LoganairEGPFJ_Ross17
G-RVGB RVL AviationEGPKAyronautica
G-LGNF FlyBeEGPEcolinw
G-LGNF FlyBeOTT/OFFAyronautica
G-GNTJ British Midland CommuterEGCCAV8 Photos
G-GNTJ British Midland CommuterEIDWWarthog1