Saab 340 [203]

Registration: HI999
Operator: Air Century
HEX Code: 0C40C6
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G03SAAB340B 1990
N203NEAmerican Eagle340B 1990Opb Flagship Airlines
N306CEChicago Express Airlines340B 2000AMRLC, USBL&F 18.05.00, rr 25.08.00, USBL&F r27.08.02 opb Chicago Express, AL ceased 28.03.05
N306CELessor340B 2005
N203CJColgan Air340B 2005sRoswell 02.04.05 awaits repaint, sIAH 16.05.05 Colgan Air col reg already repo, but res 08.05, rr 08.11.05, sis 27.03.12 IAD own livery, type wfu by 01.08.12, Colgan Air to Pinnacle AL 05.13, r28.05.13, still str Bangor s10.13, Endeavor Air, sold to Bank of Utah 25.03.14, r18.04.14, str Bangor for overhaul and sale, frd Bangor-OPF 24.05.16, canc 25.05.16
HI999Air Century340B 2016sJBQ 17.07.16, sis PBM 08.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N203NE American EagleKMIAAyronautica
SE-G03 SAABEGLFAyronautica
N203NE American EagleEGLFWarthog1