Saab 340 [219]

Registration: ES-NSA
Operator: NyxAir
HEX Code: 5110EF
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G19SAAB340B 1990
N219AEAmerican Eagle340B 1990Opb Flagship Airlines - wfs 19.02.02 Abilene, Kingman 6.03.02, frd to Abilene 16.02.07 tt 22768, 24185 l, ret in svc 15.05.07, wfs 30.09.08, arr Kingman 02.10.08 tt 24929, 27230 l, Am. Eagle r28.01.10, still sIGM 11.10.11, Envoy, Jet Midwest Group 05.10.15, r26.10.15, still IGM s15.11.15, frd IGM-ICT 03.02.16, ret IGM 04.03.16, frd IGM--Örebro 05-07.02.16, s16.02.16 and 23.04.16 still AmE cs, to be cvtd to first 340BCargo prototype by TAM at Örebro, canc 27.04.18 to ES-
N219AELessor340B 2008still sIGM 11.10.11, Envoy, Jet Midwest Group 05.10.15, r26.10.15, still IGM s15.11.15, frd IGM-ICT 03.02.16, ret IGM 04.03.16, frd IGM--Örebro 05-07.02.16, s16.02.16 and 23.04.16 still AmE cs, to be cvtd to first 340BCargo prototype by TAM at Örebro, canc 27.04.18 to ES-
ES-NSANyxAir340B(F)2018sis 10.19 still ex Am Eagle bcs
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ES-NSA NyxAirEGBBdixieboy
ES-NSA NyxAirOTT/OFFgrahamepage
N219AE LessorKIGMFlyDroo
N219AE LessorKIGMcolinw
N219AE American EagleKBOSGreggy
N219AE American EagleKRDUWarthog1