Saab 340 [224]

Registration: N971BC
Operator: IBC Airways
HEX Code: AD8778
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name: 224
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G24SAAB340B 1990
N224THUSAir Express340B 1991Opb Chautauqua Airlines - own MDDF
N9CJColgan Air340B 1996is 3.07.96/own nn CTCoC 4.97/ret SAAB,Myrtle Beach 21.05.97/CMB&T r1.98
N9CJNorthwest Airlink340B 1998Opb Mesaba Airlines - own FaL, ret lessor, frd Nashville 19.04.99
N9CJUS Airways Express340B 2000Opb Colgan Air - arr Manassas VA 28.01.00, is 15.02.00 Charlottesville VA-LGA, ret SAAB, s str Bangor ME 8.12.01 US AW col, own nn JP Morgan Trust Comp 29.01.02, still s Bangor 11.04.02, JP MTC to BCC ELC 23.01.03, s31.07.03 US AW col
N9CJLakeshore Express340B 2011repo 01.11 due for Ericsson Capital (Aland, Finland) for opb Alandia Air, frd Bangor-London YXU 02.03.11, ntu, to be operated by Lakeshore Express MI repo 06.11, AL ceased 01.04.14, wants to restart
N9CJIBC Airways340B(F)2014frd Bangor-Smyra 17.10.15, sLIT 03.01.16 GLO fcs, #CTX, AL suspended ops 15.07.17, frd Bangor--Örebro 07-08.09.17, frd Örebro--Bangor 28-29.11.17, F-cvtd, testflight 05.04.18 (not to Alandia?), Bank of Utah BoU r27.08.18
N971BCIBC Airways340B(F)2023
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