Saab 340 [225]

Registration: YL-RAE
Operator: RAF-Avia
HEX Code: 502C22
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G25SAAB340B 1990
HB-AKNCrossair340B 1991nc s2.05.00 Basle
HB-AKNMoldavian Airlines340B 2001sBUD, basic Crossair col, JP2002 (also repo as Carpatair?), retyd to Swiss late 2002, frd Basle-HAM 27.03.03 in Crossair col, for Carpatair col
YR-VGRCarpatair340B 2003arr back Basel fc 02.04.03, new reg taped, Swiss Int to Nordic AC 07.06, still lsd to Carp.
UR-IMXSouth Airlines340B 2007ex Carpatair col, sKBP 07.05.10 now own white/dark blue fus col no titl, available for operating lease 11.12 via
UR-IMXAir Urga340B 2014
YL-RAERAF-Avia340B 2016
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