Saab 340 [230]

Registration: UR-APM
Operator: Air Urga
HEX Code: 50826E
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G30SAAB340B 1991
F-GHVSAir Vendee340B 1991rgd 21.03.91
F-GHVSRegional Airlines 340B 1992sopf Euro City 26.08.95 Stuttg (small tit)/s no tit 1.01.96, wetlsd Aurigny AS 6.08.99, sis 2.09.99
F-GHVSAurigny Air Services340B 1999sis 2.09.99, ret 7.12.99
SE-KTESvenska Volkswagen AB340B 1999frd Link-Nashville 9-11.12.99 white, canc 1312.99, lsd to SAAB
XA-TQYAerolitoral340B 1999fc, ret SAAB, arr Nashville 1.03.01 overh
SE-KTEGolden Air Flyg AB340B 2002frd to Sweden 3.02 ex Nashville, first repo of SE-rrgd, Svenska Volkswagen r4.04.02, Golden Air purch 8.02, Hahn Air lsd for a period before 7.02, canc 16.10.08 sold to OK-, but a report exisits; sBMA 18.06.09 white/Golden Air titl, ret or never to Job Air?
OK-CCNCentral Connect Airlines340B 2008white, in svc s02.04.09, 05.06.09, see above, sMUC 22.02.10 add Ostrava !!! titles, last svc 01.09.11 Vienna-Ostrava, due ret lessor
SE-KTEGolden Air Flyg AB340B 2011frd Ostrava-Trollhattan 07.10.11
UR-APMBusiness Aviation Centre340B 2011
UR-APMAir Urga340B(QC)2012
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