Saab 340 [240]

Registration: N240DS
Operator: Worthington Aviation Parts
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G40SAAB340B 1991
N240DSAmerican Eagle340B 1991Opb Flagship Airlines - frd to Abilene 13.11.01 for short term str, ret i.s.? wfu 2.07.02 tt 23863, 22975 l, to Kingman 10.07.02 tt 23866, 22976 l, s25.08.03, s13.08.05, frd IGM-Abilene early 2006 for str, ret in svc 02.04.06, still is/based LAX 04.08, last svc 01.11.08, frd to IGM 02.11.08 tt 27654, 28568
N240DSWorthington Aviation Parts340B 2008still sIGM 11.10.11, Aerospace Service Inc (Ft Lauderdale) r31.07.17, BoU Bank of Utah, Trustee r13.08.18, Worthington Aviation LLC r27.10.18 still str MZJ
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All Users Sightings

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N240DS Worthington Aviation PartsKMZJgrahamepage
N240DS Worthington Aviation PartsKIGMFlyDroo
N240DS Worthington Aviation PartsKIGMcolinw
N240DS American EagleKMIAAyronautica
N240DS American EagleKBNAAyronautica