Saab 340 [251]

Registration: N251CJ
Operator: Colgan Air
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G51SAAB340B 1991
EI-CFBAer Lingus Commuter340B 1991
N251PXNorthwest Airlink340B 1995Opb Express Airlines I - rLaL 6.95,is 4.08.95 fc,ret 6.10.95,to FFV Nashville
HK-4088X Aerotaca Colombia 340B 1996Nashv--Bog/sNashville 31.12.97, 5.02.98 ret less? , ret SAAB 8.99 due
XA-TQOAerolitoral340B 1999ret LaL by 12.04, frd Monterrey-Nashville 09.12.04 overhaul
N251CJColgan Air340B 2004rLaL, Colgan Air 15.01.05, s15.01.05 basic Aerolitoral col, sIAH 01.03.05 painted Colgan col, curr based at IAD ar 04.05, back up for Continental IAH ops, sis IAH 15.11.10 full Cont Conn col, s pkd Albany 01.06.12 due ret lessor, frd to Bangor 13.07.12, s10.13, Lambert to C & L Aerospace 18.02.15 for parts, wfu Bangor, reg canc 28.04.15 pwfu
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N251CJ Colgan AirKIADcolinw
EI-CFB Aer Lingus CommuterEIDWWarthog1
EI-CFB Aer Lingus CommuterEGPHAyronautica