Saab 340 [255]

Registration: HS-HPA
Operator: SAAB
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G55SAAB340B 1991
EI-CFCAer Lingus Commuter340B 1991
OH-FAHFinnaviation340B 1995short-term,repaint Santa Claus col is 25.10.95 HEL/ret SAAB...
LY-SBBLithuanian Airlines 340B 1997
SE-G55SAAB340B 2002canc 15.10.02
XA-TTWAerolitoral340B 2002wfu by 10.08 presum str Monterrey, ret lessor, frd to Bangor 14.11.09 for str
N255AJLambert Leasing340B 2010frd Bangor-Nashville 16.08.10, ret Bangor 27.08.10, Western Air (C6) lse ntu, Ericsson Capital bt by 06.11, frd Bangor-FLL-Bangor 05.06.11, frd to Malmo 26-27.10.11 lse in Mauritius ntu, now repo for Happy Air, N-reg canc 02.11.11
HS-HPAHappy Air Travellers340B 2011r07.12.11 sBKK 08.12.11, AL temp suspended mid 01.15, restart mid 2015, AL ceased again by 04.16
HS-HPASAAB340B 2016frd DMK--Örebro 15-17.04.16 ret lessor
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-CFC Aer Lingus CommuterEIDWWarthog1
EI-CFC Aer Lingus CommuterEGPHAyronautica
EI-CFC Aer Lingus CommuterEGPFScottyBoy76