Saab 340 [283]

Registration: N285SA
Operator: Seaborne Airlines
HEX Code: A2D925
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G83SAAB340B 1992
N283AEAmerican Eagle340B 1992Opb Wings West Airline - wfu 1.05.02 Abilene, tt 21281, 23662 l, Kingman 13.05.02, tt 21285, 23663 l, s25.08.03, s26.04.04 fc, depa by 09.10.04 to Abilene, s21.10.04, repo Kingman but departed by 04.06, frd ABI-ROW 18.08.06 for sale/repaint?, sold 09.06
VH-UYIMacair Airlines340B 2006r21.10.06, arr Townsville 25.10.06, AL ceased 30.01.09, Macair r10.03.09 (paperwork change), Westpac Banking Corp r17.04.09, frd Townsville-Apia 02.10.09 for USA
N283AEAviation Inventory Resources340B 2010frd to USA 10.09 VH-rgd, canc 06.04.10 to N-, N-rgd 09.07.10, Western Air (C6) lsd 08.10 ntu, str, still at Springfield SGF by 05.11
N285SASeaborne Airlines340B 2013Monecito New York LLC (Scottsdale AZ) r01.07.13, del SUX--STX Sea Horse tail cs, rr res 07.13,WFBN r14.06.17, BoU r05.04.18
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N283AE American EagleKMIAAyronautica