Saab 340 [295]

Registration: HI1046
Operator: Air Santo Domingo
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-G95SAAB340B 1992
N369PXNorthwest Airlink340B 1992Opb Express Airlines I - own CNB 9.92, SSB&TC r15.03.99
N369PXNorthwest Airlink340B 2002Opb Mesaba Airlines - due ret 4.07, USB NA r18.05.04 (still NW?)Mesaba ret to Pinnacle 01.06, str Millington NQA TN, s10.06, sNashville 20.02.07 basic col
N369PXUS Airways Express340B 2007Opb Colgan Air - frd to IAH ar 03.07, WFBN r13.08.08, ret lessor, frd to Bangor 24.02.09, Turbo Lease LLC 30.04.09, r11.06.09, sBangor str 04.10.09 NW old col, s02.12 basic US AW cs, s04.12
N369PXPenAir340B 2012for Boston ops, airtest Bangor 28.06.12, own Turbo Lease LLC, N-reg canc 15.05.19
HI1046Air Santo Domingo340B 2019frd TMB-JBQ, for?
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