Saab 340 [310]

Registration: LV-CYC
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-C10SAAB340B 1992
F-GHVURegional Airlines 340B 1992own VaSAB/Air Vendee
SE-KCVSvenska Volkswagen AB340B 1999s str Linköping 6.99 SE-rgd, Svenska Volkswagen rgd 11.01.00, s str Linköping 19.08.00 Slovak AL col (due? ntu?), canc 23.05.01
N695PAPenAir340B 2001WFBN 15.05.01, r23.05.01, ret Saab, arr Bangor 6.09.02 for overh, N-reg canc 18.09.02 to Sweden
SE-C10SAAB340B 2002
SE-KCVSwedline Express340B 2002sARN, presum ret
VH-UYCMacair Airlines340B 2004depa Örebro-Townsville 24-27.03.04, SE-reg canc 30.03.04, VH-rgd 01.04.04, own Svenska Volkswagen, own Aerocentury 07.07.05 (sale arranged via Skyways), still lsd to Macair till 2009, AL ceased 30.01.09, ret lessor, Aerocentury r06.02.09
N470LHFlightworks340B 2009own Aerocentury, frd SGF-Atlanta RYY 14.09.09, 1 yr lease, ret Aerocentury Corp, pkd Springfield SGF 03.12, available for operating lease or sale via 04.12
LV-CYCSol Lineas Aereas340B 2012frd Springf-Rosario 25-30.07.12, N-reg canc 07.08.12, LV-rgd 08.08.12, AL ceased 15.01.16
LV-CYCLessor340B 2016
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
F-GHVU Regional Airlines EGKKWarthog1
F-GHVU Regional Airlines LFRSAyronautica