Saab 340 [321]

Registration: N321CJ
Operator: Lambert Leasing
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-C21SAAB340B 1992
N321THUS Airways Express340B 1992Opb Chautauqua Airlines - LaL r12.94,ret LaL 1.12.95,to FFV Nashville
OE-GASGrossman Air Service340B 1996arr Vienna,s2.07.96 titl,basic USAir Ex/arr Nashville 24.05.97 ret SAAB/canc OE- 6.97
HK-4115XAerotaca Colombia 340B 1997ret Saab, to Abilene TX 11.98, SAAB ret due 8.99
XA-TQXAerolitoral340B 2000ret LaL ar. 12.04, frd Monterrey-Nashville 27.01.05 basic AeroLitoral col
N321CJUnited Express340B 2005Opb Colgan Air - r24.02.05 LaL, s09.03.05 still US AW col!?! based in IAH in Colgan col opf Continental Conn due, but still sis LGA 29.01.06 old US AW Expr col, sIAD 14.01.09 Colgan own col, frd Wausau-Bangor 19.04.12 ret lessor, offered for operating lease or sale 08.12 via, sBangor 22.10.12
N321CJLambert Leasing340B 2013s08.13 Bangor on overhaul, frd Springfield-Bangor 02.10.13 fcs Sol L.A. with LV-FQS dual reg, Sol/LV-reg presum ntu, Lambert Leasing to Aerocentury Corporation 14.10.14 N-rgd, frd Bangor-CRW-Springfield SGF 24.11.14, Worthington Aviation LLC r16.11.18
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