Saab 340 [348]

Registration: VH-UYH
Operator: Macair Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-C48SAAB340B 1993
N348SBAmerican Eagle340B 1993Opb Flagship Airlines - EMA 22.9 primer,arr 17.10,SE canc 13.10,tfd Sim 3.01.95,tfd WW 2.03.95
N906AEAmerican Eagle340B 1998wfu 14.01.02 Abilene, tt 17196, 19688 l, testflight 24.05.02
N316CEChicago Express Airlines340B 2002own AMR LC, rr 6.08.02, AL ceased 28.03.05, N348CJ res ar 04.05, s Abilene 27.09.05 full Colgan col taped up old reg, postponed/ntu, see below, AMR LC to CRI Leasing 19.12.05, frd Abilene-Springfield SGF 22.11.05, canc 23.08.06
N316CELessor340B 2005
VH-UYHMacair Airlines340B 2006AL ceased 30.01.09, ret lessor, Aero South Pacific r10.03.09, C&L Aerospace Pty bt for parts, brup Townsville 15.12.10, canc 19.01.11
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