Saab 340 [352]

Registration: N352CJ
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: A3EC76
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-C52SAAB340B 1993
N352SBAmerican Eagle340B 1993Opb Simmons Airlines - SE-canc 1.12,arr 3.12,is 6.12/tfd WW 28.02.94 , wfu 12.04.02 Abilene, tt 17455, 18209 l
N317CEChicago Express Airlines340B 2002rr 23.08.02, AL ceased 28.03.05
N317CELessor340B 2005
N352CJContinental Connection340B 2005Opb Colgan Air - sIAH 25.05.05 still Chicago Expr col, rr res 08.05, rrgd 08.11.05, sis IAH 15.11.10 full Cont Conn col, wfu by 01.08.12, s str Bangor 22.10.12, Pinnacle AL r23.05.13, still str s10.13, Endeavor Air, sold to Bank of Utah 25.03.14, r18.04.14, str Bangor for overhaul and sale, Waterview Management Group LLC 09.12.14, r05.01.15, frd Lawrenceville--Aswan 05-12.06.17, for?
N352CJDelta Connection340B 2013Opb Pinnacle Airlines
N352CJLessor340B 2013Aviation Inventory Resources N-rgd 30.08.18, str GVT Majors Airport TX 13.09.18 but repo optnl by 11.20
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N352CJ LessorEGPFAyronautica