ZK-CIZ/ZKCIZ Air Chathams Saab 340 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
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Saab 340 [357]

Registration: ZK-CIZ
Operator: Air Chathams
HEX Code: C81E29
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-C57SAAB340B 1993
B-12262Formosa Airlines340B 1994ex-Lin 22.1,SE-canc 25.1,arr Form 26.1
B-3657Shandong Airlines340B 1998own Sean-Ho AcL
B-615LLessor340B 2002frd Reykj-Stansted white 19.03.02
SE-C57SAAB340B 2002
SX-BTEHellenic Star Airways340B 2002SE-dealerreg Premiäraktören 1244 r11.07.02, Mandarin Airlines Sweden r11.07.02 (after Premiärak.?) canc 8.08.02, sis ATH 15.03.03 named "Maria B" , also repo str 02.03 Athens
VH-UYAMacair Airlines340B 2004s25.06.03 str Athens, restored to SE-C57, s str Örebro 30.06.04 Hellenic col, reg first alloc to Saab 2000 cn 017, Mandarin AL Sweden SE-rgd 22.10.04, canc 01.11.04 again, Macair r05.11.04, AL ceased 30.01.09, ret to lessor, Riel Finance r10.03.09, str Townsville early 02.09-04.10
ZK-VABVincent Aviation340B 2011frd BNE-WEL for NZ ops, rr 22.03.11
VH-VNUVincent Aviation Australia340B 2013frd WEL--DRW 14-16.04.11, ZK-reg canc 10.06.13 ret to Red Rocket Leasing, VH-rgd 13.06.13 opb Vincent Avtn (Austr), frd Wellington--Darwin 22-23.07.13, wfs 28.05.14, frd to Townsville 29.05.14 for str, AL ceased, bids for its purchase closed 02.12.14 (?)
N357GUSkyDive Guam340B 2015frd Townsville-Madang 25.03.15 for Guam, VH-reg canc 07.04.15 to N-. N-rgd 12.05.15
ZK-CIZAir Chathams340B 2018
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