Saab 340 [362]

Registration: JA953A
Operator: Japan Coast Guard
HEX Code: 873A5C
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Services
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-C62SAAB340B 1994
VH-TCHHazelton Airlines 340B 1994ret EMA-Link 28.06.94 , pkd 13.09.01, ret i.svc 8.01.02
VH-TCHREX - Regional Express340B 2002Australiawide AL r16.09.02, trade-in to SAAB 03.04, depa Austr 14.03.04, arr Link. 17.03.04, str, VH-reg canc to SE- 26.03.04, s str Linköping 27.05.04 VH-rgd, due for overh Bangor
N362JELessor340B 2004str Linköping 14.08.04 as VH-TCH Rex fc, haildamaged, frd Lin--Bangor 28-30.08.04 for overh
N678PAPenAir340B 2005rr req 12.04, rr 02.03.05, due ret 12.09, replaced by cn 345, ret SAAB 01.06, frd Bangor--Link. 02-04.02.06
SE-C62SAAB340B 2006N-reg canc 15.02.06, to SE, for 360-degree scanning search radar and FLIR observer windows etc., frd Link--Atsugi 10-16.02.07, Mitsui Bussan Aerospace r16.02.07, h/o 30.03.07 to JCG at Atsugi
JA953AJapan Coast Guard340B 2007
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