Saab 340 [392]

Registration: VH-ZRH
Operator: REX - Regional Express
HEX Code: 7C80FB
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-C92SAAB340B 1996
N392AEAmerican Eagle340B 1996Opb Simmons Airlines - LaL r5.96,FSB r11.96, wfu 27.03.03 Abilene, short term str tt 13406, 15000 l, presum ret in svc, wfu 09.03.04, s str again 18.03.04, ret in svc sLAX 01.04.04, str Abilene 01.11.06, ret in svc 22.08.07, str Abilene 01.10.07, frd to Bangor 28.08.08 awaits overhaul, ret lessor 01.10.08, airtest 05.02.09, frd to Nashville 13.02.09
VH-ZRHREX - Regional Express340B 2009lsd from Saab AL, sNashville 18.04.09 fc, frd Nashville--Saleodo 08-10.06.09, not VH-ZRI, in svc 06.08.09, Regional Express r28.01.14, REX Investment Holdings r25.03.14, Wespac Banking Corp r01.06.16, REX Investment Holding r13.04.19 ex lse
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All Users Sightings

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VH-ZRH REX - Regional ExpressYCARJLRAviation