Saab 340 [449]

Registration: TG-TAT
Operator: TAG - Transportes Aereos Guatemaltecos
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-9B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-B49SAAB340B 1998
N449XJNorthwest Airlink340B 1998Opb Mesaba Airlines - LaL
N449XJDelta Connection340B 2008Opb Mesaba Airlines - pkd Detroit 01.12.11, type wfu, due ret lessor, frd Bangor-Nashville 29.03.12, N-reg canc 22.05.12
N449XJLambert Leasing340B 2011
HS-GBFNok Mini340B 2012white/purple cs with eyelashes, frd Nashville--BKK 24-27.05.12, AL ceased late 03.14, SGA Aviation stand-alone operations planned, repainted in fcs as such, pkd Bangkok DMK
N449XJAerocentury Corporation340B 2014frd ANC-Springfield SGF 25.06.14, Mena AR 11.07.14
UR-ESAAir Urga340B 2014frd Springfield--Krivoy Rog 27-28.08.14, N-reg canc 04.09.14, UR-rgd 08.09.14, sBRE 18.02.16 UN titles, arr BRE 23.01.17 and str, ret to lessor, frd BRE--Springfield SGF 11-21.04.17
N449XJAerocentury Corporation340B 2017
TG-TATTAG - Transportes Aereos Guatemaltecos340B 2019SGF--GUA, N-reg canc 27.08.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TG-TAT TAG - Transportes Aereos GuatemaltecosMMUNGreggy