Unallocated Frame [1408]

Registration: N534ZF
Operator: Private
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: General Aviation
Status: Historic
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
You've not seen this aircraft frame

Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N90337PrivateUnallocated2004Unallocated frame, notes 'Farmer R B MIDLAND TWO', if known please update accordingly
N4469GPrivateUnallocated2008Unallocated frame, notes 'Farmer R B VXP ONE', if known please update accordingly
N185EZPrivateUnallocated2013Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt RUTAN LONG-EZ ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Smith Kenneth C
N493SFPrivateUnallocated2014Unallocated frame, notes 'Robert B Farmer WANAGO', if known please update accordingly
N4609FPrivateUnallocated2014Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt DIAMOND 2.5 ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Smith Kenneth C
N9441FPrivateUnallocated2014Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt BI SPORT', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Smith Kenneth C
N4332FPrivateUnallocated2014Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt FARMER B2 ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Smith Kenneth C
N534ZFPrivateUnallocated2018Unallocated frame, notes 'Robert Bert Farmer RB5', if known please update accordingly
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All Users Sightings

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