Unallocated Frame [2002]

Registration: N45EX
Operator: Private
HEX Code: A5703D
Fleet Name:
Type: General Aviation
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N2650NPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Anderson Douglas GRAND 51', if known please update accordingly
N20JJPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Roberts LASER 200 ', if known please update accordingly
N99GPPrivateUnallocated1986Unallocated frame, notes 'Elliott David V GPI', if known please update accordingly
N912TTPrivateUnallocated2002Unallocated frame, notes 'Goodlett Gilbert O GOODLETT SAFARI', if known please update accordingly
N14PMPrivateUnallocated2003Unallocated frame, notes 'Messinger Paul H PEGAZAIR-100', if known please update accordingly
N367CEPrivateUnallocated2003Unallocated frame, notes 'Evans M/Evans C ME1', if known please update accordingly
N165JSPrivateUnallocated2005Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt LITTLE WING LW3 ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Sharer James J
N4903RPrivateUnallocated2008Unallocated frame, notes 'Boatright Tom L FX4-2', if known please update accordingly
N10293PrivateUnallocated2012Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt PA-18-150 ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Full Curl Aviation Llc
N984THPrivateUnallocated2018Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt SA-300', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator N292Ac Flyers Llc
N45EXPrivateUnallocated2021Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt GLASAIR II SRG', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Bielanski Gregory
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