Unallocated Frame [202]

Registration: I-CECI
Operator: Unallocated
HEX Code:
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Type: General Aviation
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N397PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Gotha Waggon Fabrik Co PFALTZ PURSUIT ', if known please update accordingly
N26SWPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'R Douglas Karlsen SECOND WIND', if known please update accordingly
N135KRPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Rauch Kenny F A', if known please update accordingly
N13505PrivateUnallocated1942Unallocated frame, notes 'Hammond Aircraft Corp HAMMOND 100', if known please update accordingly
N1282VPrivateUnallocated1959Unallocated frame, notes 'Klockner K3', if known please update accordingly
N887MBPrivateUnallocated1989Unallocated frame, notes 'Rogers Mark E/Rogers Brenda C STAR LITE ', if known please update accordingly
N21FLPrivateUnallocated2001Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt MDM-1 FOX ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Flying L Aircraft
N642RTPrivateUnallocated2003Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt GREAT LAKE 2T1A ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Tacheny Allen R
N4206UPrivateUnallocated2004Unallocated frame, notes 'Zsls Wroclaw FOKA-24C', if known please update accordingly
N782DTPrivateUnallocated2011Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt PIONEER II D', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Ingram Dartanyan A
N202QPrivateUnallocated2012Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt TAILWIND W-8+ ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Jackson Tommy S
I-CECIUnallocatedUnallocated2023Private | Unallocated | Unallocated | Unallocated Frame | Aronmere F.8L Falco III America (Historical Aircraft Group)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
I-CECI UnallocatedEGVAWarthog1