Unallocated Frame [6]

Registration: N65GB
Operator: Private
HEX Code: A88AF9
Fleet Name:
Type: Glider
Status: Historic
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7628BPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Memory Curtiss Jenny 0X5', if known please update accordingly
N7698PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Taylor Brothers TAYLOR SPECIAL ', if known please update accordingly
N7269PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Pacer Aircraft Corp MONOPLANE ', if known please update accordingly
HB-MSCPreservedUnallocated-0001pres on roundabout to Grenchen AP
N50852PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Haller HALLER-Copter HC101 ', if known please update accordingly
N6640PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Berliner Aircraft Co Inc CM4', if known please update accordingly
N13951PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Ruddy Thomas J RUDDY A', if known please update accordingly
N348VPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Alexander Aircraft Co PRIMARY GLIDER ', if known please update accordingly
N112NPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Monarch Aircraft Industries In MONARCH A4', if known please update accordingly
N2847PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Biedenmeister K A B', if known please update accordingly
N9177PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Bikle T6', if known please update accordingly
N795KPrivateUnallocated1929Unallocated frame, notes 'Royal Aircraft Corp ROYAL AIR TRAINER', if known please update accordingly
N3817PrivateUnallocated1929Unallocated frame, notes 'Breese Aircraft Co 5', if known please update accordingly
N899KPrivateUnallocated1930Unallocated frame, notes 'Alfaro Heraclio PTG-2', if known please update accordingly
N183WPrivateUnallocated1931Unallocated frame, notes 'Cadet Aircraft Company 2PA', if known please update accordingly
N10615PrivateUnallocated1931Unallocated frame, notes 'Mattley Airplane & Motor Co In MATTLEY FLIVER ', if known please update accordingly
N15509PrivateUnallocated1936Unallocated frame, notes 'National Airplane & Motor Co BLUEBIRD LP-1', if known please update accordingly
N10287PrivateUnallocated1936Unallocated frame, notes 'Franklin A', if known please update accordingly
N1027PrivateUnallocated1936Unallocated frame, notes 'Central States Aero Co MONOCOUPE ', if known please update accordingly
N15000PrivateUnallocated1938Unallocated frame, notes 'Levene Ben P-1 GLIDER', if known please update accordingly
N3YPrivateUnallocated1938Unallocated frame, notes 'Lewis L W RYDER RACER', if known please update accordingly
N191HPrivateUnallocated1939Unallocated frame, notes 'Viking Flying Boat Co B-2', if known please update accordingly
N10651PrivateUnallocated1940Unallocated frame, notes 'Eyerly Aircraft Corp EYERLY COUPE', if known please update accordingly
N34914PrivateUnallocated1945Unallocated frame, notes 'Timm Wally D Aero-CRAFT 2SA ', if known please update accordingly
N319VPrivateUnallocated1947Unallocated frame, notes 'Rand M-1-CK', if known please update accordingly
N4000KPrivateUnallocated1948Unallocated frame, notes 'Chester Special 190', if known please update accordingly
N15588PrivateUnallocated1948Unallocated frame, notes 'Alan Richard Essery ESSERY A E', if known please update accordingly
N40057PrivateUnallocated1948Unallocated frame, notes 'Midwest MU-1 GLIDER', if known please update accordingly
N54PPrivateUnallocated1959Unallocated frame, notes 'Unknown UNKNOWN', if known please update accordingly
N1408ZPrivateUnallocated1962Unallocated frame, notes 'Fike E', if known please update accordingly
N217LPrivateUnallocated1966Unallocated frame, notes 'Saalfeld Gyroplane SS-3 ', if known please update accordingly
N4074BPrivateUnallocated1966Unallocated frame, notes 'V J Sportsman 4', if known please update accordingly
N744EPrivateUnallocated1970Unallocated frame, notes 'Temco 51A', if known please update accordingly
N3988PrivateUnallocated1971Unallocated frame, notes 'Tucker #2 L.G.T. #6', if known please update accordingly
N273APrivateUnallocated1973Unallocated frame, notes 'Collins DGA-6 MR MULLIGAN', if known please update accordingly
N75HCPrivateUnallocated1980Unallocated frame, notes 'Visionair International Inc. F2B BRISTOL REPLICA ', if known please update accordingly
N31637PrivateUnallocated1983Unallocated frame, notes 'Whittman WD', if known please update accordingly
N47138PrivateUnallocated1984Unallocated frame, notes 'Boland SPIRIT OF Lake GARDA', if known please update accordingly
N54GBPrivateUnallocated1986Unallocated frame, notes 'Byron George J Jr 39M', if known please update accordingly
N916JCPrivateUnallocated1990Unallocated frame, notes 'Clevenger Jim B NA SUPER 6', if known please update accordingly
N38ABPrivateUnallocated1994Unallocated frame, notes 'Byland James H HUMMINGBIRD', if known please update accordingly
N8032YPrivateUnallocated1995Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt HATZ CB-1 ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Cain Jeffrey J
N70727PrivateUnallocated1996Unallocated frame, notes 'Squier Daniel G PAUPER II ', if known please update accordingly
N555DEPrivateUnallocated1997Unallocated frame, notes 'Evans Earl L I-004 RYAN', if known please update accordingly
N411KTPrivateUnallocated2002Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt MAVERICK 1500 ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Seavall Mike
N93701PrivateUnallocated2007Unallocated frame, notes 'Phoenix II', if known please update accordingly
N617DBPrivateUnallocated2009Unallocated frame, notes 'Byrd Danny WINDJAMMER II', if known please update accordingly
N1371APrivateUnallocated2015Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt PIETENPOL AIRCAMPER ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Hoeffler James P
N543APrivateUnallocated2017Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt SOPWITH TRI ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Training Services
N823NPrivateUnallocated2019Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt B-3', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Hirtle Alan L
N24PZPrivateUnallocated2019Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt KAUFMAN FLY-BABY', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Mountain River Properties Llc
N34KPPrivateUnallocated2019Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt PIETENPOL ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Roller Richard D
N929GHPrivateUnallocated2019Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt H3 ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Buchanan Chris
N70499PrivateUnallocated2019Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt FLYING FLEA ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Dexter Fred H
N1927PrivateUnallocated2020Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt DART II ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Historic Aircraft Restoration Museum
N65GBPrivateUnallocated2021Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt GRUNAU BABY IIB ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Martin Ronald P
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All Users Sightings

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HB-MSC PreservedLSZGWarthog1