Unallocated Frame [7]

Registration: P-5
Operator: Unallocated
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Museum
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N941YPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Crawford POWERED GLIDER ', if known please update accordingly
N241BPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Bailey Barrett A BAILEYS COMET', if known please update accordingly
N876YPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Southern Aircraft Corporation AIR BOSS', if known please update accordingly
N863YPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Hageman Edwin POWERED GLIDER ', if known please update accordingly
N837HPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Breese Aircraft Co 5', if known please update accordingly
N108BBPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Boland BALL-OON', if known please update accordingly
N21LJPrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'John M Larsen AIRDALE', if known please update accordingly
N2417PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Sharp ROTOCRAFT ', if known please update accordingly
N1427PrivateUnallocated-0001Unallocated frame, notes 'Central States Aero Co MONOCOUPE ', if known please update accordingly
N7303PrivateUnallocated1929Unallocated frame, notes 'Taylor Brothers Aircraft Co CHUMMY', if known please update accordingly
N12942PrivateUnallocated1932Unallocated frame, notes 'Manor F F MANORPLANE T-1 ', if known please update accordingly
N14441PrivateUnallocated1935Unallocated frame, notes 'Harold R Forney FORNEY HEATH TOMBOY ', if known please update accordingly
N13620PrivateUnallocated1935Unallocated frame, notes 'Huggins Robert E HUGGINS', if known please update accordingly
N15510PrivateUnallocated1936Unallocated frame, notes 'National Airplane & Motor Co BLUEBIRD LP-1', if known please update accordingly
N357VPrivateUnallocated1936Unallocated frame, notes 'Monarch Aircraft Ind Inc A', if known please update accordingly
N12707PrivateUnallocated1937Unallocated frame, notes 'Mattley Airplane & Motor Co F P 2', if known please update accordingly
N10418PrivateUnallocated1942Unallocated frame, notes 'Franklin A', if known please update accordingly
N13952PrivateUnallocated1948Unallocated frame, notes 'Wiley Post Aircraft Co A', if known please update accordingly
N1739PrivateUnallocated1968Unallocated frame, notes 'Hargrove Harry B 8MHH', if known please update accordingly
N1912KPrivateUnallocated1978Unallocated frame, notes 'Kamerman BELLANCA REP.', if known please update accordingly
N50CHPrivateUnallocated1979Unallocated frame, notes 'Henley AeroDROME FOKKER DRI', if known please update accordingly
G-BBDVUnallocatedUnallocated1990Private | SIPA | S.903 | SIPA S.90
N19BPPrivateUnallocated1995Unallocated frame, notes 'Butler 7 BUTLER PUP', if known please update accordingly
N80GGPrivateUnallocated1996Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt OGG-GLASAIR I ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Ogg Richard A
N56NWPrivateUnallocated1999Unallocated frame, notes 'Mason Michael S F1', if known please update accordingly
N57007PrivateUnallocated2002Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt F4U CORSAIR ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator George Colombe Louis
N724TLPrivateUnallocated2003Unallocated frame, notes 'Willis T/Rocket Flyers Llc TURBINE LEGEND ', if known please update accordingly
N62JVPrivateUnallocated2007Unallocated frame, notes 'Van Heeswyk Jerry LIGHTNING ', if known please update accordingly
N90200PrivateUnallocated2007Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt JOHNSON ROCKET 185', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Ferretti James L Iii
N73HBPrivateUnallocated2008Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt JR. ACE MODEL "E" ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Orians Brian E
N444WLPrivateUnallocated2008Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt WHITE LIGHTNING ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Ozark Composites Llc
N60BWPrivateUnallocated2010Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt WILLIAMS MITE M18L', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Henry Donald J
N705APPrivateUnallocated2012Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt SENIOR AERO SPT D260', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Isbell Frank
N31313PrivateUnallocated2016Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt SD-1A', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Woods Donald E
N23TRPrivateUnallocated2016Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt RUTAN DEFIANT 40', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Pacific Coast Ventures Llc
N7016DPrivateUnallocated2018Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt ROE SPORT BIPLANE ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Crook Glenn R
N17MPrivateUnallocated2021Unallocated frame, notes 'Homebuilt CABINAIRE ', if known please update accordingly. Owner/Operator Bowe Walter C Trustee
P-5UnallocatedUnallocated2023Preserved | Unallocated | Unallocated | Unallocated Frame |
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
P-5 UnallocatedWarthog1
G-BBDV UnallocatedEGTCAyronautica