Vickers VC-10 [815]

Registration: G-ARVM
Operator: Preserved
HEX Code:
Engines: RR Conway Mk301 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Preserved
Status: Preserved
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-ARVMVickers ArmstrongVC-10 11011963
G-ARVMBOACVC-10 11011964
G-ARVMBritish AirwaysVC-10 11011974used by BA as Concorde back-up (all first class seats), Cosford Museum bt 22.10.79, placed on display 10.79, s2.97, front fuselage cut off and moved out on truck 19.10.06 to Brooklands, tail, wings and engines removed/ scrapped, fus s01.07 at Brooklands, s09.04.13 on display no tail or wings
G-ARVMPreservedVC-10 11011979
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-ARVM PreservedOTT/OFFRJflyerPhoto Taken
G-ARVM PreservedEGWCAyronautica
G-ARVM British AirwaysEGPKAyronautica
G-ARVM British AirwaysEGLLcolinw
G-ARVM British AirwaysEGLLWarthog1