XR808/XR808 Preserved Vickers VC-10 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© colinw

Vickers VC-10 [828]

Registration: XR808
Operator: Preserved
HEX Code:
Engines: RR Conway Mk301 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Preserved
Status: Preserved
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
XR808Vickers ArmstrongVC-10 11061966
XR808RAF - Royal Air ForceVC-10 C.1K1966cvtd to C.1K 2.97, sis Brüggen 7.06.99, 10sq./808 str St Athan 06.04, in svc in fleetlist 02.07, st Athan, 101sq 08.10, St Athan DSG 09.11, 101sq 11.11, special 50 Years of VC-10 flying and 101sq 95th anniversary cs/titles 06.12, sis 08.12 for Fartan Flt, last flight (also of any standard VC-10) to Bruntingthorpe 29.07.13, first to be flown to Cosford but due to concerns (1190 meter runway) to be dismantled and moved to be preserved at Cosford after 2013, being dismantled Bruntingthorpe s05.15 f
XR808PreservedVC-10 C.1K2015
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
XR808 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGVAcolinwPhoto Taken
XR808 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGVNAyronautica
XR808 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGPKAyronautica
XR808 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGVNAyronautica
XR808 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGVNWarthog1
XR808 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGVNcolinw