de Havilland Comet [06458]

Registration: G-BEEX
Operator: Preserved
HEX Code:
Engines: RR Avon Mk 524 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Preserved
Status: Preserved
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SU-ALMde Havilland Aircraft CompanyDH-106 Comet 4C1961
SU-ALMUnited Arab AirlinesDH-106 Comet 4C1961
SU-ALMEgyptairDH-106 Comet 4C1971Airline rebranded, new name
G-BEEXWithdrawn from useDH-106 Comet 4C1976arr LGW 14.10.76, wfu Lasham 10.76, brup 8.77
G-BEEXPreservedDH-106 Comet 4C1977nose to Lincolnshire Avtn Heritage Centre, East Kirkby (not in Surv, but in A&A on display), s4.99 Usworth Sunderland North East Aircraft Museum nose section, in 70s Egyptair cs, s17
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